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Protect your privacy

AMA International Ltd. (wwww.pnsgermany.com) strives to provide you with the highest level of customer service, including the protection of your privacy.
The privacy policy of the company explains the information collected by the company on the website, the use and/or sharing of the collected information, and the maintenance of the information. By using this website, you are deemed to agree to the relevant provisions of this privacy policy. If you do not agree to some or all of the terms of this privacy policy, you will not be allowed to use this website. Please note that this privacy policy only applies to the relevant information collected on this website, and does not apply to any information collected or obtained through other means or from other sources.
The privacy policy of the company explains the use and/or sharing and maintenance of the information collected by the company on this website. Your use of this website constitutes your agreement and acceptance of the relevant provisions of this privacy policy. If you do not agree to some or all of the terms of this privacy policy, you will not be allowed to use this website. Please note that this privacy policy only applies to relevant information collected on this website, and does not apply to any information collected or obtained through other means or from other sources.
The company's privacy policy ensures that the information you provide to us is safe. To reassure you, the following will explain the details of the information you need to provide to the company and how the information is used. Without your explicit consent, the company will never collect sensitive information about you. The information held by the company is accurate and will be updated at any time. If you need to change your information, please feel free to contact our company. If you find any errors in the information, the company will delete or change it immediately.

The company may send you emails for the following purposes:
Used as part of the service. For example, the company sends you (or may send you) emails under certain circumstances as follows:
After registration, you will be notified of your account details;Notify you of the company's products and services related information;For newsletters;Used as a promotional email.

Security and retention
The company guarantees that the PII it holds is managed in accordance with internal security policies and relevant laws and regulations, and is safe in the company's system.
Although the company will take preventive measures to protect the information transmitted between this website and/or users, it may not be able to prevent unauthorized access to such information by third parties, nor may it be possible to prevent negligence during transmission. Cause the leakage of such information. The user agrees that there are such risks when communicating with this website.

Changes to this privacy policy
Please note that this privacy policy is an integral part of the website terms and conditions and will be regarded as part of the agreement between you and the company. The company reserves the right to unilaterally make changes to this privacy policy from time to time. Once the revised privacy policy is published on this website, it shall be deemed that the changes to this privacy policy take effect. According to the nature of the change, the company will announce the change as follows:

(1) Announce it on the homepage of this website, or (2) if the company has your email address, it will be notified by email. However, under any circumstances, as long as you continue to use this website after the changes are made, you are deemed to agree to such changes. If you do not agree to the terms of this privacy policy that will be changed in whole or in part from time to time, you must terminate your use of this website.